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Photo de Sauvé Luc

Sauvé Luc

Professional Member
Drawing, Engraving, printmaking, Installation , Electronic and digital media, Painting, Photography, Art video
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Photo de Luc St-Jacques

Luc St-Jacques

Professional Member
Action, intervention and process, Digital art, Installation , Performance, Photography, Sculpture, Art video
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Photo de Lucie Marchand

Lucie Marchand

Professional Member
Digital art, Drawing, Engraving, printmaking, Installation , Electronic and digital media, Painting, Photography, Art video
Lucie Marchand crée à Montréal de manière de plus en plus régulière, contribuant ainsi à l'enrichissement du paysage artistique local.
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Photo de Lydia Yakonowsky

Lydia Yakonowsky

Professional Member
Digital art, Electronic and digital media, Art video
Lydia Yakonowsky est une économiste et artiste multimédia. Elle déconstruit et réutilise les éléments visuels des graphiques basés sur la théorie économique pour créer des œuvres immersives originales, refaçonnant l’utilité de la modélisation statistique.
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Photo de Maryam Tavaf

Maryam Tavaf

Professional Member
Drawing, Painting, Photography, Art video
I am a Montreal based, multidisciplinary Iranian artist, who applies different movements, media and technics to my artworks, tutoring, and workshops. Being a witness of the 8 years of war between Iran and Iraq (1980-1988), human loss, injustice and the globalization paradox are the essential themes of my work. As an artist, I could not ignore the force behind the bloody wars in the Middle East and their destructive impact on humanity. My artwork is an expression of my spiritual school of thinking, beliefs, and values. My Art Philosophy adopted Realism, Expressionism, Figurative and Abstract disciplines to embody the human figures blended into the immemorial Persian poems. In my home country, Iran, the post-war years limited my chances of pursuing art as a university major. Thus, I completed my Bachelor in the French language. At the same time, I took academic lessons from the most famous master’s on the national level, improving my knowledge of theory and history of art, movements and different techniques of painting and drawings. I immigrated to Canada in October 2010, when distinct shifts appeared in some aspects of my professional career. At this time, I focused more on photography, art performance, and cinematography as my new canvas. Currently, I am tutoring drawing and painting and perform a series of therapeutic art for children, elderlies, people with functional limitations, and adults suffering from mental health or psychosocial issues. My artworks performed in different countries such as Dubai, Kuwait, Canada, and Iran.
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Photo de Meghan Price

Meghan Price

Professional Member
Fiber art, Engraving, printmaking, Sculpture, Art video
Meghan Price est une artiste visuelle établie à Montréal qui a une pratique étendue fondée sur les textiles. Son travail fait appel à la matière, au motif et à la durée pour aborder les concepts du temps et les modes de relation avec la terre physique. Price a exposé et effectué des résidences au Canada et à l'étranger. Parmi les lieux d'exposition récents, citons YYZ (Toronto), Fiberspace (Stockholm) et la Walter Phillips Gallery (Banff). Meghan Price est représentée par United Contemporary, Toronto.
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Michel Huneault

Professional Member
Digital art, Electronic and digital media, Photography, Art video
Michel Huneault est un photographe documentaire et artiste visuel. Son travail s’articule autour des enjeux de développement, des traumatismes, de la migration et des réalités géographiques complexes, incluant les impacts des changements climatiques. Sa pratique artistique conjugue image fixe, vidéo et éléments immersifs qui confèrent à ses projets une dimension tant humaniste qu’esthétique. Ses oeuvres informent tout en questionnant l’acte de documentation et de représentation.
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