Training courses

Training courses

Learn more

Nathalie Dussault

Professional Development Coordinator


Program of training courses

Cultive, the new professional development platform for culture.

RAAV is now using Cultive, the professional development platform for culture, to manage its continuing education offerings.

Cultive is:

  • the RAAV catalog presenting our training courses ;
  • a platform for registration management and secure payment;
  • a dashboard that facilitates the follow-up of your registration requests, with your profile, your documents, your invoices, your portfolio of skills.

Cultive is also a collective and collaborative project, which includes

  • a website where you will find relevant information to develop your skills and move forward in your career ;
  • the Cultive catalog, which will eventually gather information on the professional development activities of all participating organizations.
  • Cultive: more than a digital platform … a learning experience!

Creating an account on the new RAAV platform is easy and free!


Cultive is a project of Compétence Culture, the sectoral committee for the cultural workforce of which RAAV is a member.

This project was made possible thanks to the financial support of the Ministère de la Culture et des Communications and the Canada Council for the Arts.



Among the services offered to artists, professional development and continuing education are privileged means that RAAV has adopted to fulfill its primary mission, which is to contribute to the improvement of the socio-economic conditions of visual artists. In this regard, RAAV has adopted a continuing education policy which can be summarized as follows: regardless of their talent or the originality of their practice, equip artists to help them better manage their careers, and the more familiar they are with the conditions of professional practice in the visual arts in Quebec, the better their chances of making a living from their art.

In this mindset, continuing education activities, various publications and special projects related to professional development are developed according to three objectives:

  • promote disciplinary development;
  • equip artists to better manage their careers;
  • facilitate the acquisition of knowledge about the conditions of professional practice of visual arts in Quebec.

As an artist is a creator as well as an entrepreneur, his or her professional needs may be multiple, while he or she must possess a variety of knowledge and master many skills. Therefore, RAAV designs and develops short-term continuing education activities that correspond to the multiple facets of the artistic profession. To do so, it hires experienced trainers, generally from the Quebec visual arts community.

For more information, please consult the RAAV continuing education policy (available in french only)

Refund and cancellation policy

If you need to cancel your registration, you must notify the Professional Development Officer by email at least 7 business days prior to the training date. No refunds will be given for cancellations received after this time.

Eligibility criteria for training funded by Services Québec

The following are eligible :

  • Professional artists (persons who devote, or would like to devote, the major part of their working time to their artistic practice, or persons who derive, or would like to derive, the major part of their income from their artistic practice)
  • Artists in the process of professionalization (emerging artists);
  • Workers in cultural organizations not subject to the Law favouring the development of manpower training. Employees of organizations or enterprises subject to this law will have to pay the real value of the cost of the training. Excerpts from the laws: L., R.Q., chapter S.32.1;
  • Recipients of Employment Insurance or last resort financial assistance may be accepted for training activities. However, they must notify Services Canada or Income Security;
  • You must be a permanent resident or a temporary foreign worker with an open or closed work permit.

Not eligible :

  • People seeking asylum;
  • Foreign students;
  • Foreign workers participating in the seasonal agricultural worker program.

Training dates
The RAAV reserves the right to postpone or cancel a course if the number of registrations is deemed insufficient.

Regional training courses

In addition to the training courses offered by RAAV, our members can also register for the training activities of the regional cultural councils.

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* NOTE: RAAV members automatically receive electronic communications by email. It is not necessary for them to subscribe to the mailing list.