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Photo de Thierry HOYAU

Thierry HOYAU

Associate Member
Installation , Painting, Sculpture, Other
Paris, 25 décembre 1962. Performance Solo, Ensuite, après un parcours d'entrepreneur dans le monde des médias (minitel, Internet, vidéo, etc..) de plus de 25 ans, le souhait de faire autre chose et de découvrir de nouvelles lignes d'horizon me poussent vers une activité artistique. Éternel autodidacte et inconditionnel "touche à tout", la soif de connaitre et comprendre le monde qui m'entoure font de moi un passionné.
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Photo de Trina Slapcoff

Trina Slapcoff

Professional Member
I am a Swampy Cree and Metis woman from Northern Manitoba who has been brought up in Montreal and worked thereabouts and in the United States. I have taught art, sober living skills and literature, and storytelling since 2019, in two-hour long sessions, about twenty times, to the clients of "Native Montreal" and "Projets autochtones du Quebec" aside from being a public relations person and journalist and advocate in the indigenous community. I have had five art shows since 2000. My grandmother, aunt, cousin, and family friends are accomplished artists and I have accomplished musicians in my family too. In my indigenous heritage we created items to support our lives as hunters and gatherers. I have been produced in films and tv commercials and received a Screen actors Guild number in the United States and worked in UDA films and television in Quebec. I have travelled and camped throughout Canada and the United States.
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Photo de Virginie Maltais

Virginie Maltais

Professional Member
Action, intervention and process, Collage, Fresco and mural, Illustration, Painting, Art video
Fondatrice du mouvement Québec Collage, Virginie Maltais détient un baccalauréat en arts de l’Université de Montréal. Elle a participé à de nombreuses expositions au Québec et l’internationale, notamment en France et en Pologne. Elle a rédigé des articles pour le magazine Kolaj Magazine, elle est aussi médiatrice culturelle indépendante.
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