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Photo de Nathalie Dubois Calero

Nathalie Dubois Calero

Student Member
Action, intervention and process, Installation , Electronic and digital media, Performance, Sculpture
I am a fully self-accepted bacterhuman, bioartist (BFA, Concordia University, Montreal, MFA University of Windsor, CA), and scientist (Ph.D. in plant science, UPMC, Paris, FR) named Nathalie Dubois Calero, and my works are a feminist act of reconciliation with my non (or too much?) human components. Microbes are the media I use in workshops, performances, videos, and object-making. My recent project, BacterHuman, focuses on the cutaneous microbiota (all the microorganisms living on and inside the skin) and the multifaceted relationships we have with it. This work includes Microidentidad (workshops and exhibition, ICA, Bacalar, Q.R., Mexico, 2020) Name:Nathalie Species: HomoBacter Insipiens (TTT Vienna, 2020 online), Queer and Biophilic Approach of the Cutaneous Microbiome (online workshop, ISEA, 2021), We are planets (hiflex workshop, HTLMlles festival, 2021), and Bodies of water about our microbiotal relationship with water (exhibition and video at Leamington Art Centre (LAC), Ontario, Canada, 2022) and Bacterhuman in son et lumiere (LAC, 2023, and TTT, Malta 2023). I have been invited to participate in the FEMeeting Sisterlabs panels and events in Toronto (March 23-28, 2024), where I performed BacterHuman and, with Cecilia Vilca, Mother Virus, a performative game. I am also collaborating with Ada Gogova (How to change wine in water?). I am a member of the Incubator Art Lab at the University of Windsor, Ontario, Canada.
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Photo de Olivia Lathuillière

Olivia Lathuillière

Professional Member
Digital art, Installation , Electronic and digital media, Performance, Photography, Sculpture, Art video
Artiste plasticienne, chorégraphe et vidéaste.
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Photo de Ram_One


Professional Member
Digital art, Drawing, Fresco and mural, Illustration, Electronic and digital media, Painting, Performance, Art video
Les oeuvres captivantes de Ramses, empreintes de surréalisme et de dynamisme, témoignent de la créativité dont il fait preuve.
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Photo de Romain Jean-Jacques

Romain Jean-Jacques

Professional Member
Digital art, Other, Drawing, Illustration, Installation , Electronic and digital media, Painting
Romain Jean-Jacques est un artiste visuel qui explore le rapport territoire-sacré à travers la picturalité, l'animation 3D et les textures sonores. Né en 1989 il est originaire de l'île de la Réunion.
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Simon Beaudry

Professional Member
Action, intervention and process, Installation , Electronic and digital media, Performance, Photography, Sculpture, Art video
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Photo de Sophie Casson

Sophie Casson

Professional Member
Other, Drawing, Illustration, Electronic and digital media
Sophie est illustratrice pour la presse et de livres jeunesse. Elle anime deux formations chez Illustration Québec, l’une sur la diversification des revenus, l’autre sur la rédaction de demandes de subvention. De manière indépendante, elle offre également un service d’accompagnement auprès des illustrateurs qui rédige une demande de bourse.
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Photo de Tam Khoa Vu

Tam Khoa Vu

Associate Member
Digital art, Installation , Electronic and digital media, Painting, Art video
Tam Khoa Vu is an artist based in Tio'Tia:Ke / Montreal. His work challenges common representations and depictions of Vietnamese and Vietnamese-Canadian identity, while playfully opening up spaces of abundance, possibility, and nuance. Using various visual and digital art forms, his practice explores themes of production, manufacturing, power, representation, and identity through exploring the nuances of the “third space” of diasporic experience between Vietnam and Canada.
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Photo de Valéry Lemay

Valéry Lemay

Professional Member
Digital art, Drawing, Illustration, Installation , Electronic and digital media
Valéry Lemay est une illustratrice et directrice artistique vivant dans un appartement haut perché dans les arbres de la Petite Italie à Montréal.
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Photo de Véronique Lagrange

Véronique Lagrange

Associate Member
Drawing, Fresco and mural, Illustration, Electronic and digital media, Painting
Véronique Lagrange est née à Québec. Elle poursuit ses études dans le domaine des arts au Cégep de Ste-Foy et complète un Baccalauréat Multidisciplinaire à l’Université Laval qui porte sur le sujet de l'art visuel, de la psychologie et de l'enseignement des arts plastiques avec la mention profil entrepreneurial. Son projet de recherche à la Maîtrise en thérapies par les arts porte sur l'art-thérapie en milieu scolaire auprès de la personne autiste. Elle pratique la peinture murale jusqu'en 2008 et explore dans sa pratique artiste personnelle une variété de médiums.
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