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Photo de José Dupuis

José Dupuis

Professional Member
Digital art, Fiber art, Other, Collage, Drawing, Illustration, Installation , Electronic and digital media, Painting, Performance, Photography, Sculpture, Art video
Artiste interdisciplinaire aux frontières des arts visuels, des arts vivants et de l'écriture.
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Photo de Kama La Mackerel

Kama La Mackerel

Professional Member
Action, Digital art, Other, Installation , Intervention and process, Performance, Photography, Art video
Kama La Mackerel est un·e auteur·ice multilingue, artiste visuelle, performeur·e, traducteur·ice et éducateur·ice qui croit en l'amour, la transformation et la justice. Son travail interdisciplinaire façonne des espaces hybrides et articule des vocabulaires décoloniaux et queer. Avec une attention pour les récits océaniques, la souveraineté des îles, la poétique transgenre et la guérison ancestrale, l'ensemble de ses créations remet en question les notions coloniales d'espace-temps en lien avec l'histoire, le pouvoir, le langage, le corps, et la formation du sujet.
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Karine Turcot

Professional Member
Digital art, Collage, Drawing, Engraving, printmaking, Illustration, Installation , Performance, Photography, Art video
Sa pratique est concentrée autour de la notion de mouvement et de la manière dont nous établissons les catégories de perception, voire les définitions (individuelles et sociales) que nous attribuons aux choses qui nous entourent.
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Photo de Kelly Davis

Kelly Davis

Professional Member
Painting, Performance, Sculpture
Kelly Davis (b. Vancouver, British Columbia) is a Montreal-based visual artist working in abstract oil painting and sculptural ceramics. She uses these mediums to explore themes of mysticism and immanence through referencing extra-sensory perception of the more-than-human world within interior and exterior space. Her background in extended technique voice and experimental performance informs her working methods which rely heavily on improvisation and deep listening techniques.
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Photo de Xece


Student Member
Digital art, Fiber art, Installation , Electronic and digital media, Performance, Sculpture, Art video
Khadija Baker is a Montreal-based, multidisciplinary artist of Kurdish-Syrian descent (born 1973 in Amuda, Syria). Baker immigrated to Canada from Syria in 2001; she completed her MFA studies at Concordia University 2012. She is a core member of the Centre for Oral History & Digital Storytelling (COHDS) at Concordia University. Her installations investigate social and political themes centered on the uncertainty of home as it relates to persecution, identity, displacement, and memory. As a witness to traumatic events, unsettled feelings of home are a part of her experience. Her multidisciplinary installations often combine textiles, sculpture, performance, sound and video, and involve participative storytelling and performance to create active spaces for greater understanding. Baker continues her research creation at the Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies in Society and Culture (CISSC) at Concordia University. She was awarded Rewilding Arts Prize by David Suzuki Foundation and Rewilding Magazine. Most recently she was awarded Miriam Aaron Roland Family Scholarship for her research creation at Concordia University.
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Photo de Lateef Martin

Lateef Martin

Professional Member
Digital art, Drawing, Illustration, Electronic and digital media, Performance
Lateef Martin is a multi-disciplinary artist, from writing, music production, voiceovers, dance, cosplay and fabrication. At the core of it, he is an illustrator with a taste for video games, comics, sci-fi and 80s Saturday morning cartoons.
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Photo de Maïka Slimani

Maïka Slimani

Associate Member
Collage, Drawing, Engraving, printmaking, Installation , Painting, Performance, Photography, Sculpture, Art video
Malika a baigné depuis son enfance dans un milieu d’arts au contact de son frère ainé Ray Slim, lui-même artiste peintre. Un artiste qui a énormément influencé ses créations. Créations qui vont du semi-figuratif à l’abstrait.
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Marie-Douce St-Jacques

Professional Member
Other, Collage, Illustration, Installation , Performance
Marie-Douce St-Jacques est une artiste multidisciplinaire de Montréal. Elle dirige la petite maison d’édition Le laps, consacrée aux écrits d’artistes, et fait partie du duo musical Le fruit vert.
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Photo de Melsa


Professional Member
Painting, Performance, Sculpture
Melsa Montagne a obtenu son diplôme en arts visuels en 1998 au Cégep de Montmorency. En 2008, elle a décidé de se consacrer à temps plein à sa pratique artistique. Animée par la nécessité de créer Melsa a déjà derrière elle une somme de réalisations impressionnante. Melsa est très active sur la scène montréalaise et participe à de nombreuses expositions, festivals, projets collectifs, murales extérieures, encans et concours d'art public.
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