Professional Member

Catherine Beaudette

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Catherine Beaudette est une artiste montréalaise, conservatrice et professeure auxiliaire à l'Université OCAD. Née au Québec, elle partage son temps entre Montréal et Terre-Neuve. Sa pratique artistique découle de ces lieux où elle collectionne des objets, des artefacts et des spécimens pour former la base de ses peintures, photographies et installations.

Catherine Beaudette is a Canadian artist, curator, and adjunct professor at OCAD University. She is the founder of Bonavista Biennale and 2 Rooms Contemporary Art Projects in Newfoundland; Loop Gallery and Howard Park Institute in Toronto; and GALLERY 202 in Pictou NS- grass roots initiatives designed to stimulate local economies and empower creative communities. Born in Quebec, she divides her time between Montreal, Newfoundland and Nova Scotia. Her art practice stems from these locales where she collects objects, artifacts, and specimens to form the basis of her paintings, photographs and installations. Beaudette has attended artist residencies in Spain, Serbia/Montenegro, Havana, Dawson City, Banff, and Fogo Island. She received her MFA from the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design in 1998.

RAAV is the representative association of visual artists in Quebec

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