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Catalin Domniteanu

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Confident in my technique, I launched myself into projects that would put my artistic philosophy to test. In the process, my works turned from bi-dimensional to sculptural and from decorative to conceptual. At first, improving upon the Tiffany technique, I produced two very large copper-foiled stained glass panels, with folkloric and rural life themes. I then made a conceptual creation with a scientific theme. Participation to local events gave me the opportunity to see how the public reacts to my art. Encouraged by it, I challenged again the structural capacity of my method and I produced another work - a bas-relief in which the volumetric glass components bring the light play to another level. This time, on a subject related to society and emigration. After making other works on topics of society and culture, my attention returned and remained dedicated to quantum mechanics, cosmology, and philosophy of science.

I was born on the shores of the Danube River, in the beautiful city of Galati embraced by a large outdoor metal sculpture park on the east, on the riverfront, and guarded by a metallurgy giant on the west. While doing my engineering degree I grew interested in stained glass for its powerful effect given by the passage of light through transparencies. There were no stained glass studios in the region at the time, and guided learning was not available. For several years after graduation in 1995, I had to develop the technique on my own. Direct observations and substantial experimentation led me to eventually becoming skillful in the lead came method. To strengthen my competencies, I have then decided to get painting training at the Lower Danube Cultural Centre in Galati. This exploratory part of my journey remains today, 25 year later, very important in my artistic approach.
After my arrival in Calgary, in 2004, I worked for Tiffany House for a few years, a beautiful stained glass studio and supplier. There I became versed in the Tiffany method, which I now employ exclusively in my work for its exceptional flexibility. Then I welcomed an engineering career whilst continuing taking stained glass repairs and restoration works at night until 2010.
In 2015, I took the opportunity to explore my life-long impulse towards the arts. Confident in my technique, I launched myself into projects that would put my artistic philosophy to test. In the process, my works turned from bi-dimensional to sculptural and from decorative to conceptual.
At first, improving upon the Tiffany technique, I produced two very large copper-foiled stained glass panels, with folkloric and rural life themes. I then made a conceptual creation with a scientific theme. Participation to local events gave me the opportunity to see how the public reacts to my art. Encouraged by it, I challenged again the structural capacity of my method and I produced another work – a bas-relief in which the volumetric glass components bring the light play to another level. This time, on a subject related to society and emigration. After making other works on topics of society and culture, my attention returned and remained dedicated to quantum mechanics, cosmology, and philosophy of science.
In 2018 I became a juried member of the Alberta Society of Artists, and briefly, but with great enthusiasm, I served as a Board member. After a sensible deliberation, in 2019 my wife and I moved to the Greater Montreal Area, open to new experiences and to a broader audience.

RAAV is the representative association of visual artists in Quebec

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