Professional Member

Bernice Sorge

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Printmaker Bernice Sorge, whose works have been exhibited at the Museum of Civilisations of Canada (2001-2003) and around the world, was recognized by the New York Times for her botanical prints of wild flora of the Brome-Missisquoi region. She won first prize in the Pan-Canadian Biennale in printmaking as well as the Innovation Prize and Public Choice Award in printmaking in exhibitions of Canadian printmakers. Dunham Dollars is a project conceptualized and designed by Bernice for the 150th anniversary of the village of Dunham. Bernice, her husband, Yvon, and three boys have been Dunham residents for 40-years.

Printmaker Bernice Sorge, whose works have been exhibited at the Museum of Civilisations of Canada (2001-2003) and around the world, was recognized by the New York Times for her botanical prints of wild flora of the Brome-Missisquoi region. She won first prize in the Pan-Canadian Biennale in printmaking as well as the Innovation Prize and Public Choice Award in printmaking in exhibitions of Canadian printmakers. Dunham Dollars is a project conceptualized and designed by Bernice for the 150th anniversary of the village of Dunham. Bernice, her husband, Yvon, and three boys have been Dunham residents for 40-years.

RAAV is the representative association of visual artists in Quebec

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