Calls for submissions

About call for submissions

Exhibitions, art fairs, symposiums, artists' residencies, calls for submissions, awards...

This page lists visual arts calls for submissions.

If you would like RAAV to publish your call for submissions, please send us an e-mail to with complete information, including the text of the call, a representative image and a link to the page dedicated to this call for submissions. RAAV reserves the right to publish or not.

Please note that RAAV cannot be held responsible for the conditions set out in the various calls for projects published on its site.
Dear artists, please read carefully the terms and conditions as well as the regulations of each call for submissions before sending your application.

Law S-32.1 obliges artists and presenters to sign a contract and also indicates a certain number of clauses that these contracts must contain. RAAV publishes and offers free model contracts to its member artists to guide them in negotiating their terms of engagement. RAAV reminds its members to check the terms of engagement and to forward any questions to the presenter.

See the publication about the Normes des meilleures pratiques de diffusion en arts visuels. La diffusion lors d’exposition avec jury (section 5 (in French only)

See our page about Voir nos contrats-types entre artistes et diffuseurs(in French only)

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* NOTE: RAAV members automatically receive electronic communications by email. It is not necessary for them to subscribe to the mailing list.