Professional Member

Kelly Davis

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Crédit photo : Peter Martinelli-Bunzl
Kelly Davis (b. Vancouver, British Columbia) is a Montreal-based visual artist working in abstract oil painting and sculptural ceramics. She uses these mediums to explore themes of mysticism and immanence through referencing extra-sensory perception of the more-than-human world within interior and exterior space. Her background in extended technique voice and experimental performance informs her working methods which rely heavily on improvisation and deep listening techniques.

Kelly Davis is an intermedia artist currently based in Tiohtià:ke/Mooniyang (”Montréal, Québec”). Her diverse interests have culminated in experiences that span the visual, performing and spiritual arts, with research that works at the intersection of process and perception. Her subtle energy practice informs current research on the phenomenal nature of light, and how this is experienced, through the interplay and tranformation of pigments suspended in material such as oil, clay or water. Kelly’s visual interests take influence from both the seen and unseen, and are at once a practice of corporal engagement and deep listening.
As a performer and vocal artist, Kelly worked in constant collaboration with other artists and musicians within Vancouver’s experimental music scene, including ongoing performance projects with harsh noise artist THE RITA, voice improvization in DB Boyko’s VOICE OVER mind choir, and as a member of the collage-punk band Rinse Dream, whose debut album SPACES was released on Cercle Social Records in 2022. She has exhibited and performed work across Canada, including TAP Art Space (Montreal), REELING: Movement on Film Festival (Edmonton), the Western Front (Vancouver), VIVO Media Arts Centre (Vancouver) and the Vancouver Art Gallery. After years of autodidactism and workshops, Kelly returned to school, and in 2021 completed a BFA in Studio Art (Painting) from Concordia University.

RAAV is the representative association of visual artists in Quebec

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