Associate Member

Wendy-Alexina Vancol

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Photo credit: Kristina Pederson @kristinapicture
Wendy-Alexina Vancol is a Haitian Canadian illustrator, and painter based in her hometown of Tiohtià:ke/Montreal. Her work challenges stereotypical depictions of black bodies in predominantly white spaces spotlighting her black identity through themes of inclusivity, family relations, marginalization, social pressure and prejudice. Vancol presented a solo exhibition at the Maison de la culture de NDG in Montreal, QC (2022-2023) and received her BFA from Concordia University in Studio Arts (2021).

Wendy-Alexina Vancol is a Haitian Canadian illustrator, and painter based in her hometown of Tiohtià:ke/Montreal.
Her work challenges stereotypical depictions of black bodies in predominantly white spaces. Using surreal imagery and dynamic color palettes, she spotlights her black identity and explores themes of inclusivity, family relations, marginalization, social pressure and prejudice.
Vancol is a recipient of the CUAA Fine Arts Award (2021), has presented a solo exhibition at the Maison de la culture de NDG in Montreal, QC (2022-2023), is part of Concordia University’s Art Volt collection (2024) and completed a half-year residency at the Jano Lapin Gallery (2024). Vancol received her BFA from Concordia University in Studio Arts (2021). She is set to showcase her artwork in Montreal, QC this fall as part of the 2024 cohort of ARTCH.

RAAV is the representative association of visual artists in Quebec

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