Membre associé

Michelle Paterok

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Crédit photo : Anahi Gonzalez
Michelle Paterok (b. 1994, Edmonton, AB) is a Canadian visual artist working in painting. She is based in Montreal, QC.

Michelle Paterok (b. 1994, Edmonton, AB) is a Canadian visual artist working in painting. She received an MFA in Visual Art from Western University in 2022 and a BFA in Art and Design from the University of Alberta in 2016. Her work has been supported by the Alberta Foundation for the Arts, the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), the Ontario Arts Council, and the Elizabeth Greenshields Foundation. In 2018 she was the Canadian Artist in Residence at the Vorres Museum in Paiania, Greece, and in 2023 completed a residency at the Vermont Studio Center in Johnson, Vermont. She lives and works in Montreal.

Le RAAV est l'association représentative des artistes en arts visuels du Québec

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