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Flore De Ris

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Flore De Ris, the visual-art alias of Alexandra Levy, is a painter living in Montreal. She enjoys exploring figuration and abstraction in her work, and mostly paints in oil, but has been known to enjoy coloured pencils and charcoal.

Flore De Ris, the visual-art alias of Alexandra Levy, is a painter living in Montreal. She enjoys exploring figuration and abstraction in her work, and mostly paints in oil, but has been known to enjoy coloured pencils and charcoal. She has shown her work at various events, including Girls in the Garage I & II, Casa Obscura and the Flourish Festival in Fredericton, New Brunswick. She has painted or drawn the artwork for many Montreal-based musicians as well, including for her music project Ada Lea, as well as for Thanya Iyer, and Corey Gulkin.

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