Tam Khoa Vu is an artist based in Tio'Tia:Ke / Montreal. His work challenges common representations and depictions of Vietnamese and Vietnamese-Canadian identity, while playfully opening up spaces of abundance, possibility, and nuance. Using various visual and digital art forms, his practice explores themes of production, manufacturing, power, representation, and identity through exploring the nuances of the “third space” of diasporic experience between Vietnam and Canada.

Tam Khoa Vu is an artist based in Tio’Tia:Ke / Montreal. His work challenges common representations and depictions of Vietnamese and Vietnamese-Canadian identity, while playfully opening up spaces of abundance, possibility, and nuance. Using various visual and digital art forms, his practice explores themes of production, manufacturing, power, representation, and identity through exploring the nuances of the “third space” of diasporic experience between Vietnam and Canada.

Le RAAV est l'association représentative des artistes en arts visuels du Québec

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