Membre professionnel

Steve Heimbecker

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Crédit photo : Garnet Hertz
Steve Heimbecker (QC) often combines several artistic mediums and techniques. His main focus is the creation of multi-channel audio-visual installations and concerts that represents and embellishes 3 and 4D space.

Steve Heimbecker (QC) often combines several artistic mediums and techniques. His main focus is the creation of multi-channel audio-visual installations and concerts that represents and embellishes 3 and 4D space. His work has won arts awards across Canada and Europe including Honorary Mentions at Prix Ars Electronica, Linz (AT): Interactive Art (2005) and Digital Musics (2009). In 2013 he was awarded the Prix Jury for 3D Immersive Audio (2013) at Mixage Fou (FR). In 2021, he was short listed for Prix du CALQ – Artiste de l’année en Estrie (Eastern Townships), QC for his immersive exhibition “16 Latitudes”. His augmented reality geolocation project “SCAMP” was presented at Espace [IM] Média, Sherbrooke, QC (2019) and ISEA (2020), Montréal, QC. He has presented across Canada, the EU, NYC, and Peru. His works are in private and public collections including the Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec and the Alberta Art Foundation.

Le RAAV est l'association représentative des artistes en arts visuels du Québec

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