Membre professionnel

Rosi Maria Di Meglio

Rosi Maria Di Meglio
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Crédit photo : Rosi Maria Di Meglio
Rosi Maria Di Meglio is a visual artist born from Vancouver, BC, who now lives and works in Montreal, Quebec.

Rosi Maria Di Meglio is a visual artist from Vancouver, BC, who now lives and works in Montreal, Quebec. She earned a BFA in Visual Arts from Concordia University (Montreal, QC, 2021), with a double major in Painting/Drawing and Art Education. She has shown her work in several exhibitions across North America. Her works currently reside in private collections.
Di Meglio participated in the Convergence Project-Artists and Neuroscientists collaborating in a year-long art-science project (Montreal, QC) in 2018. Her print series “Pathways” was recently exhibited as part of the Printmaking at the Edge exhibition at Dover Art Center (Dover, NH) and her Jerusalem series was published in Rencontre, no. 35, by editor in-chief Mme. Judith Tetreault. Di Meglio recently participated in the 60th Toronto Outdoor Art Fair in Toronto, Ontario. She recently received the highest grant by the Canadian Council for the Arts for the Research and Creation component under the Explore and Create Project.

Le RAAV est l'association représentative des artistes en arts visuels du Québec

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