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Photo de Randa Hijazi

Randa Hijazi

Membre professionnel
Peinture, Sculpture
A contemporary Syrian Canadian artist painter based in Laval, Quebec, working in a variety of medium including painting, sculpture, and mixed media.Backed by a dual major in fine arts and media, she created a major theme of her artwork as the cultural connection between strongly rooted memories of the Orient and the continuously evolving western civilization. Using her artwork, she continuously opens new eyes to Canada as the place where the mix of civilizations create a new mosaic picture that represents humanity. The work of Randa sheds the light on many humanitarian issues, expresses the issues of injustice, poverty, and elimination, all in a harmonious and unique presentation. Randa’s work was regarded by the Canadian Federal Council of Art and the circle of painting artists and sculptors of Quebec.She was granted several awards for her work that was exhibited in many countries across the world.
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