I am a comic performer who paints. Thirty years ago while performing in Berlin at the Wintergarten, I found a blank canvas lying on the footpath at Hackescher Markt. I picked it up, took it home and have been painting ever since. My paintings are like friends, companions with whom I discuss, dream and transform feelings and ideas, into symbolic images celebrating life and our differences. The paintings are stylized, theatrical, whimsical and oddly musical. Figures float, sometimes intertwining. Perspective is often set aside.

Artist Statement.
Tim Tyler
I am a comic performer who paints. Thirty years ago while performing in Berlin at the Wintergarten, I found a blank canvas lying on the footpath at Hackescher Markt. I picked it up, took it home and have been painting ever since.
With no sketches beforehand, each painting is created directly on the canvas. Covering things that don’t work, I build the scene with layers of paint. Moving the forms around, I battle to adjust the colours, adding and removing detail until it all fits together.
My paintings are like friends, companions with whom I discuss, dream and transform feelings and ideas, into symbolic images that are stories celebrating life and our differences.
I have not had any formal art training. I have learnt to follow my heart. The scenes I create are stylized, theatrical, whimsical and oddly musical. Figures float, sometimes intertwining. Perspective is often set aside.
In each setting there are clues hinting where I have been and what was on my mind; a Tahitian beach, a Tuscan hill town, the Garden of Eden. The paintings are therefore like pages from a journal. They celebrate a joy, curiosity and wonder in being human, coloured by my love of the absurd.
I work with acrylic paint on large un-stretched canvases. Acrylic dries quickly and can be rolled up for travelling, essential to my life as a nomadic performing artist.

Le RAAV est l'association représentative des artistes en arts visuels du Québec

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